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SECURE 2.0 Updates

Employee Eligibility

More long-term, part-time workers are now eligible to enroll in RPB’s plan after they’ve worked at a URJ-affiliated congregation for two years.

Employers can take advantage of this provision immediately and enroll more of your part-time employees, including seasonal workers.

Updated RPB plan eligibility

Any employee of a qualified employer who is 18 years or older is eligible to enroll in the RPB Retirement Plan if they meet one of the following requirements:

  • Works in a role that requires membership in a Reform Movement professional organization and is an active member (see the table below).

  • Works an average of 18 hours per week or more in a role that does not require membership in a Reform Movement professional organization, including those employees in administrative, finance, custodial, security, seasonal, or other positions.

  • NEW! Works an average of 9 to 17 hours per week (at least 468 – 935 hours annually) with a minimum of 2 years of service in a role that does not require membership in one of the Reform Movement professional organizations, including those employees in administrative, finance, custodial, security, seasonal, or other positions.

  • Works for a Reform Movement institution, such as the URJ, CCAR, or RPB.

Organization Positions Requiring Membership to Enroll in RPB

Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR)

  • Rabbis (all levels)

National Association of Temple Administrators (NATA)

  • Executive Director/Temple Administrator (or equivalent)

Association of Reform Jewish Educators (ARJE)**

  • Directors (all levels*) of Lifelong Learning / Education / Religious School
  • Directors (all levels*) and Coordinators of Youth Programming and Engagement

Early Childhood Educators of Reform Judaism (ECE-RJ)**

  • Directors (all levels*) of Early Childhood Education
  • All Early Childhood Education teachers

Program and Engagement Professionals of Reform Judaism (PEP-RJ)**

  • Directors (all levels*) of Programming
  • Directors (all levels*) of Membership & Engagement (other than Youth)
  • Directors (all levels*) of Communications

Advancing Temple Institutional Development (ATID)

  • None (although all development professionals are encouraged to join)
  1. This list may not be all inclusive. Each organization reserves the right to change its eligibility requirements.
  2. * Director titles include all levels: Directors, Associate Directors, and Assistant Directors.
  3. ** Multiple member discounts may be available. Contact the organization for more information.

Want to start enrolling more part-time employees?

Learn more.

Questions? We’re here to help.

Contact our Employer Services Team:

Robert Perry
Director of Participant and Employer Services

Alyce Gunn
Chief Financial Officer

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